One Fortunate Cookie

March 1, 2010 at 12:47 AM (community, Family) (, )

Earlier this week one of the halogen light bulbs in my dining room chandelier exploded, spraying glass fragments throughout the area and toward my living room. It was actually a very frightening, loud explosion with smoke billowing from the light and glass flying in every direction. That night I swept up the affected area and I’ve kept the light off since due to the exposed wires.

So this weekend I made a call to a friend to seek help. I hate having to flat-out ask for help! But since the exposed bulb wiring was a hazard if the light was switched on and I couldn’t reach it, I had to seek assistance. My friends immediately agreed to come over today.

We planned to have lunch together while they were over here as well, since we had been trying to plan time to meet up these past few weeks anyway. What ensued from their willingness to come over to help was a delightful meal and good conversation — something I didn’t have in mind when I humbly sought out their assistance. It’s these surprising times in life that catch me off guard that turn out to be the finest moments of my days.

When Vince and Julie arrived, Vince went to work on the light and Julie and I began working on the meal. Julie chopped up a variety of fresh vegetables for a stir-fry while I cooked the rice, lit the barbecue and baked eggs rolls in the oven. Add in some barbecued elk meat and fortune cookies and we had a filling, tasty meal!

At one point in the process of preparing the meal, Vince was vacuuming the carpet near where the light had exploded (something I’d not taken time to do yet) and Julie was cooking the stir-fry. I stood back in amazement, taking a minute to recognize and to be thankful for the great friendships that I am blessed with. When was the last time you had guests over that ended up cleaning and cooking for you? (Yes — it was just last weekend during my parents’ visit for me, but I digress…)

When I made that call to get help yesterday I felt like I was imposing on my friends in asking them to come up for an hour or two to help me out. Instead, after thoroughly enjoying our time together and telling each other as much, as these dear friends left this afternoon I couldn’t help but realize what a blessing we’d been for each other.

Although one of the fortunes in the cookies I ate stated that tomorrow was going to be a good day for me, I couldn’t help but pause and think what a great day today had been. My, oh my, I am one fortunate cookie!

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