I wouldn’t do this for fun

July 14, 2009 at 12:37 AM (How I do things, My Body) (, , )

For only the second time in my life (at least that I can recall), today I was asked why I was eating with my feet. Several odd glances and a look of confusion were the start of this strange interaction with a classmate today. That led to others at the table noticing the awkwardness and jumping in to comment on my flexibility and talent in eating with my feet. Thinking that all had been resolved, I was surprised when the aforementioned classmate asked, “Why are you doing that?” He followed up that question with something like, “Are you just doing that to show off?” (not sure of his exact wording).

Although somewhat funny due to his apparent lack of basic observational skills, the confused looks and questions annoyed me. “Well, I wouldn’t do this just for the fun of it,” I responded, trying to be as kind as possible in that moment. I then explained that I was born without arms and that I’ve learned to eat with my feet — amongst many other things — throughout my life, due to necessity.

I will admit, though, that my initial reaction was more in the direction of, “WTF? Are you #^$*ing kidding me?!” I mean, I’d been in class with him that morning (a large class, admittedly), I’d been at the table for 5-10 minutes and I’d carried multiple things on my shoulder during that time. How do you miss all that? And, even if you did, how do you come to the conclusion that someone eating with their feet is just doing it for fun? That’s like assuming that a guy in a wheelchair is simply lazy!

Believe me, using my feet for everything is not just a special talent that I have. And, it’s not just a trick I pull out to impress the ladies! It’s a necessity. It’s my life, aching knees and all.

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